PT Duta Hita Jaya was established in Jakarta as a machineries and lighting pole supplier company.
Started to manufacture electrical poles and lighting poles as well as other accessories for poles, such as brackets, base frame supports and so on. At a small place near head office.
Established a new Factory 1, located at Tambun - Bekasi 2008
Expanded DHJ Product Line with building construction and design of steel structures, bridges, tanks, steel tower and mechanical equipment structures. In the same year, we built our first tubular tower for PT. Telkomsel Indonesia
Passed QMS - ISO 9001:2008 Assessment Certification.
Establish a new Factory 2, which located at Setu - Cibitung.
Passed OHSAS 18001:2007 Assessment Certification
To comply Oil & Gas regulation, we are passed EMS - ISO 14001:2004, SKT - MIGAS, CHESM (Contractor Health Environment Safety Management) which defined by Chevron Indonesia. Additional same production equipments to achive the large production volume.
Establish a new Manufacturing Plant, located at Cileungsi - Bogor.
Add new machine and area production to cover large tower production. Passed QMS - ISO 9001:2015 (Upgraded from ISO 9001:2009) Passed EMS - ISO 14001:2015, (Upgraded from ISO 14001:2004)
Production electric latice tower & steel pole 500 kVA Passed OH&SMS - ISO 45001:2018 for Plant Tambun.
Total production capacity 9950 tons! month. Passed OH&SMS - ISO 45001:2018 for Plant Setu and Cileungsi. Passed QMS - ISO 9001:2015 for Plant Galvanize, Plant Cikarang.
Add new machine welding equipment, cutting equipment, hot dip galvanize equipment, etc. Increase total production capacity 14000 tons/ month.